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Questions to get to the core of you! How many of us really know ourselves?

by Milena Riservato
"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek"
- Joseph Campbell

The human experience is like an iceberg or a vast ocean. We only see the surface or stay near shallow waters fearing what the depth of ourselves will actually reveal.

Our thinking brains can come up with surface level obvious answers but our heart, bodies and intuition knows the truth, before our mind can conceive it.

Asking these questions can give us awareness, into what can often feel like a mystery. As you move through your healing journey, the answers will reveal themselves, there may be revisions made along the way, that is ok and in fact highly encouraged, as you discover deeper parts of you.

Here are 26 Self-Reflective Questions to become more intimate with yourself and to explore your rich inner world.

Being as gentle on yourself as possible in this process is essential. Taking your time or breaks when needed and revisiting it when necessary.

There is no destination. It's an unraveling.

I invite you to use your breath as your guide. Be present with the subtle sensations & feelings that arise as you are writing and relating.

Have fun with it, light some candles, get cozy in a blanket, grab your favorite tea and explore.

  1. What are my beliefs about myself, positive and negative?
  2. What are my values?
  3. Am I living in alignment to those values?
  4. How do I speak to myself ? What does it say?
  5. What are my biggest fears?
  6. When do I feel safe?
  7. How do people see/ view me?
  8. How do I treat people?
  9. What are my strengths? What am I really good at?
  10. What are my points of weakness?
  11. What traits do I not like about yourself ( this is where we get honest & accountable!
  12. What brings me joy?
  13. What are my pet peeves?
  14. What are my triggers?
  15. What kind of person do I most admire?
  16. What do boundaries look like for me?
  17. How do I set boundaries? How do I enforce boundaries?
  18. What do I want most in life?
  19. What matters most to me ?
  20. How do I react to triggering situations and or people?
  21. How do I soothe myself?
  22. How do I cope with life’s stressors?
  23. What does self love/ self care look like?
  24. How do I express my feelings?
  25. What are my defense mechanisms?
  26. When do I feel most open-minded, calm, inspired and at ease? (the more frivolous the better)

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